Professor Jane Desmond receives a British Academiy Vsiitng Researcher Fellowship for Fall 2023


Prof. Jane Desmond has won a British Academy Visiting Researcher Fellowship for the fall semester, 2023. She will be in residence during the fall semester at the Institute for Science and Society at the University of Nottingham in the UK. Working with colleagues there, she will pursue a research project on the social dimensions of veterinary medicine, producing a "Comparative Mapping of the Emergent Veterinary Humanities in the U.S. and U.K."    


 These highly competitive fellowships, open to researchers around the world, provide support for non-UK scholars to collaborate with U.K. academics to pursue the production of new knowledge. This research builds on Desmond's work on the veterinary humanities, in the U.S. and in the Czech Republic, as an emergent interdisciplinary field uniting the medical humanities and veterinary medicine.